Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Science and Society

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Dean: Amy Nawrocki
Charles Dana Hall, Room 148

Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Science and Society is to provide students with education of high quality in the knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to achieve suc­cess in their professions and become mean­ingful contributors to society. The School is committed to an interdisciplinary approach in its curricula while offering students oppor­tunities for experiential learning, internships, and community service.

Our programs are designed with attention to the institutions we serve. The education we offer features acquisition of fundamental knowledge in a wide range of fields and an application-oriented approach to issues that are progressively more interdisciplinary.

Vision Statement

The vision statement serves as a guide in the development of the school’s programs and overall educational initiatives. The School of Arts and Sciences will provide students in its programs with:

Competence - i.e. knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to enter the work force, or to undertake graduate study, with success.

Critical Thinking - i.e. techniques of ap­plied logic, categorization, and criticism which result in clear thinking, sound analy­sis, and balanced judgment.

Creativity - i.e. qualities of imagination, originality, curiosity, and daring.

Context - i.e. awareness of the historical, social, intellectual, environmental, and cul­tural setting appropriate to the field of study.

Communication - i.e. ability to express themselves lucidly and to present ideas ef­fectively and distinctively, both formally and informally, orally, visually, literately, and musically.

Candor - i.e. honest standards, consistency in implementing them, and fair evaluation of achievement.

Concern - i.e. regular support and individ­ual attention to all students, with additional opportunities for those who excel and reme­dial strategies for those who need them.


Programs within the College of Science and Society are located in several buildings across the University of Bridgeport Campus. These include Bates Hall, Bryant Hall, Carl­son Hall, and Charles Dana Hall.


All degree programs in the College of Sci­ence and Society are licensed and accredited by the State of Connecticut Office of Higher Education.

Divisions within the College of Science and Society

The following divisions are housed within CSS: the Division of Natural Sciences, the Di­vision of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and the Division of Arts and Humanities. All three divisions support both degree programs and the general education courses that make our university possible.

The Division of Natural Sciences prepares students for careers in the mathematical and life sciences. The Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences prepares students for careers as helping professionals or other careers that require strong interpersonal skills. The Divi­sion of Arts and Humanities prepares stu­dents for careers that requires analytical and creative thinking, strong writing, communi­cation, performance, and presentation skills, the ability to collaborate effectively, to com­plete self-directed projects, and flexibility to adapt to new challenges.

Programs of Study

The degree completion program offers CSS degrees in:

  • A.A. in General Studies
  • B.S. in General Studies Social Science concentration
  • B.S. in General Studies Online Social Science concentration
  • B.S. in Human Services
  • B.S. in Human Services & Psychology (Double Major)
  • B.S. in Psychology
  • Certificate in Human Resource Management


The College of Science and Society supports a number of minors (18 credits each), which students from the University of Bridgeport may pursue in addition to their major.

English Language Institute

Carlson Hall
303 University Avenue
Telephone: (203) 576-4860

General Information

The English Language Institute of the Uni­versity of Bridgeport offers an intensive program of English as a Second Language. ELI also organizes off-campus trips and on-campus activities designed to introduce in­ternational students to the United States, its language and its people.

ELI classes are offered year round, Monday through Thursday. Full-time students attend class in the mornings and afternoons. Part-time students can choose to attend mornings or afternoons. For full-time students, a typical day consists of 5 hours of instruction, includ­ing classroom instruction in grammar, com­position, reading, listening, and speaking, and assigned work in the university’s state-of-the-art language laboratory. ELI provides highly individualized instruction. Classes are limited to 15 students per teacher.

ELI students receive a University of Bridge­port student I.D. card and are entitled to use facilities on the campus of the University of Bridgeport, such as the Wahlstrom Library and the Wheeler Recreation Center, to name a few.


ELI students must have a strong personal commitment to learning the English lan­guage. Courses in English as a Second Lan­guage are offered year-round at all levels from beginner through advanced. ELI appli­cation forms and additional program infor­mation may be obtained at the above address or printed out directly from the ELI Internet address shown above.

Applicants must be at least 17 years old. Applications are accepted at any time of the year and new students may begin class throughout the year. International Admis­sions issues an official letter of admission to the program and an I-20 form promptly upon receiving a completed ELI application. After receiving the I-20 issued by ELI, the prospec­tive student may apply for an F-1 student visa at an American embassy or consulate prior to coming to the United States.

Why Students Enroll at ELI

Many students wish to enrich their knowl­edge of the English language while on leave from a school or a job in their home country. Most of these students return to their home country after a stay at ELI of from 14 weeks to a full year or more.

Many ELI students plan to apply for admis­sion to a degree program at the University of Bridgeport. They improve their knowledge of English to meet the English language re­quirement for university admission. These students usually obtain “conditional accep­tance” to a degree program and will receive full acceptance when they satisfy the Univer­sity’s English language requirement for ad­mission. It should be noted that successful completion of ELI’s advanced level satisfies the English language requirement for ad­mission to the University of Bridgeport. ELI graduates are not required to take the TOEFL or IELTS.

The Curriculum

The ELI curriculum focuses on improving skills in speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading. At all levels of the cur­riculum, ELI instructors seek to help students improve their language skills through active use of the language both in and out of the classroom.

New students complete a placement test upon arrival and are placed in an appropri­ate level of English. Successful completion of the session allows the student to move up to the next level.

Students who are placed in the lower levels concentrate on basic grammar, speaking, lis­tening, and reading skills, and practice para­graph writing. As students progress through the levels, they continue to improve their speaking and listening skills while taking on more challenging tasks in reading and writ­ing.

In the advanced levels, students strive to achieve competence in language-dependent tasks similar to those that are required of na­tive speakers of English in both academic and career-related activities. These include reading for content; note-taking from spoken and written materials; speaking skills needed to relate information, to persuade, to negoti­ate, and to inquire; and skills needed in es­say and report writing, as well as in effective correspondence.

Graduates of ELI receive a “Certificate of Completion” which certifies that they have met the English language requirement for admission to the University of Bridgeport. Grades reports are issued upon request.

Schedule of Charges

Please see insert for current academic year for tuition, fees, and other expenses.

ELI students should plan on spending about $300-$400 per 14-week session to cover mis­cellaneous personal expenses such as rec­reational travel, local transportation, books, laundry, clothing, etc.

Application Forms and Additional Information

Prospective students may obtain application forms, student housing applications, credit card charge forms, insurance information, etc. at ELI’s Internet site, by email, or by call­ing or faxing ELI.


    AssociateBachelorCertificateMasterMinorNon-DegreeOther Programs

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