Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Humanities, B.S.

Location(s): Main Campus


Bryant Hall
Telephone: (203) 576 4235

Program Description

In the Humanities program, students will un­dertake interdisciplinary study based in His­tory and Philosophy. The program develops understanding of human thought through time and place, providing students with the ability to locate and analyze evidence, to apply logical and critical thinking to it, and to organize and present it in coherent and persuasive ways. This program is designed for students interested in careers that involve teaching, research, legal work, writing, pub­lishing, or editing. The program is ideal for those interested in graduate study in History and Philosophy. It also prepares students for professional graduate programs in communi­cation, library science, education, journalism, or law school.

There are three concentrations available in Humanities: General, History, and Philoso­phy. Each requires 30 credit hours in History and Philosophy along with a 3-credit senior project which may be satisfied by a thesis or internship option in a student’s final year of study. The program also provides students with the option of choosing one or two of the following tracks: Standard (9 credits), Law and Ethics (9 credits), and Education (12 credits).

Learning Outcomes

By completing the Humanities program, stu­dents will demonstrate (1) an ability to en­gage in disciplined study of human inquiry, past and present; (2) an understanding of the breakdowns, shifts, and continuities in hu­man relations; (3) an understanding of the interconnectedness of historical and philo­sophical developments that influence that in­fluence cultures; (4) an ability to gather and think logically and critically about evidence; and (5) an ability to formulate questions and present results of research and reasoning.

Summary of Program Requirements

One of the three following concentrations:

General Concentration

  • 15 credits of History courses (2 American History courses, 2 European or global History courses, and 1 History or cognate discipline elective)
  • 15 credits of Philosophy courses (2 courses in ethics, 2 courses in critical thinking, and 1 Philosophy or cognate discipline elective)
  • Humanities 397 (senior thesis) or Humanities 398 (internship)

History Concentration

  • 21 credits of History courses (2 American History courses, 2 European or global History courses, and 3 History or cognate discipline electives)
  • 9 credits of Philosophy courses (1 course in ethics, 1 course in critical thinking, and 1 Philosophy or cognate discipline elective)
  • Humanities 397 (senior thesis) or Humanities 398 (internship)

Philosophy Concentration

  • 9 credits of History courses (1 American History course, 1 European or global History course, and 1 History or cognate discipline elective)
  • 21 credits of Philosophy courses (2 courses in ethics, 2 courses in critical thinking, and 3 Philosophy or cognate discipline electives)
  • Humanities 397 (senior thesis) or Humanities 398 (internship)

Optional Tracks

Standard Track - 9 Credit(s)

One 3-credit research class:

One 3-credit advanced writing class:

Law & Ethics Track - 9 Credit(s)

Education Track - 12 Credit(s)

General Education Requirements

University Core - 33 Credit(s)

Liberal Arts Electives - 7 Credit(s)

Suggested Programs

General Concentration With a Standard Track

First Semester

Second Semester

Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Sixth Semester

  • HIST elective History or Cognate elective 3 Credit(s)
  • PHIL elective Philosophy or Cognate elective 3 Credit(s)
  • 3 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

Seventh Semester

  • HIST 292 - Research and Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS electives Liberal Arts electives 6 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

Eighth Semester

  • HUM 397 - Thesis 3 Credit(s)
  • HUM 398 - Internship 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS elective Liberal Arts elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

History Concentration With an Education Track

First Semester

Second Semester

Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

Seventh Semester

  • HIST 292 - Research and Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS electives Liberal Arts electives 6 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

Eighth Semester

  • HUM 397 - Thesis 3 Credit(s)
  • HUM 398 - Internship 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS elective Liberal Arts elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

Philosophy Concentration With A Law & Ethics Track

First Semester

Second Semester

Third Semester

Fourth Semester

Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

  • PHIL elective Philosophy or Cognate elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 9 Credit(s)

Seventh Semester

  • PHIL elective Philosophy or Cognate elective 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS electives Liberal Arts electives 6 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)

Eighth Semester

  • HUM 397 - Thesis 3 Credit(s)
  • HUM 398 - Internship 3 Credit(s)
  • LARTS elective Liberal Arts elective 3 Credit(s)
  • Free electives 6 Credit(s)