Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music, B.M.

Location(s): Main Campus

John J. Cox Student Center
Telephone: (203) 576-4407

Program Description

The Music & Performing Arts Program offers a 120-credit Bachelor of Music degree with concentrations in Music Education, Performance, and Business. Bachelor of Music candidates must complete the core curriculum, music core courses, and the appropriate coursework in the concentration to graduate.

Learning Outcomes

By completing the Bachelor of Music degree, students will:

  • Develop a strong foundation in the theory and history of music;
  • Select one or more musical concentrations-performance, education, or busi­ness-and develop foundational skills in that area;
  • Further develop their skills as a singer or instrumentalist;
  • Possess sufficient musical acumen to make creative contributions to musical performances and ensembles;
  • Further their ability to work in, learn from, and teach groups composed of learners from diverse backgrounds and with multiple skill levels;
  • Be able to connect musical knowledge with the learning occurring in the general education component of the undergraduate curriculum.


At the discretion of the applied music faculty, in consultation with the program direc­tor, music majors will take an examination in their major applied area before a music faculty jury during the final examination period of each semester.

Summary of Requirements

Music Core Courses

62 credits, as follows:

Applied Music Lessons 8 Credit(s)

Additional Information

Primary Instrument

Additional Information

  • Students must be enrolled in at least 1 ensemble each semester
  • University Singer 2 credits are required, plus 6 credits of other choices

Other Requirements 0 Credit

  • Weekly seminar participation (x6 semesters)

General Education Requirements - 43 Credit(s)

Concentrations Within the Bachelor of Music Degree

Music students may pursue the following concentrations:

Business Concentration

(An audition is not required for this major).

The Music Business concentration is a combination of professional music study and courses tailored by advisement to the student’s strengths, interests, and career plans. Due to the great diversity found within the music industry, exact coursework will differ. Some coursework may be taken in UB’s Ernest C. Trefz School of Business or School of Engineering, as well as in Mass Communications. This concentration is designed to help musicians become entrepreneurial.

15 credits, drawn by advisement from the following:

Additional Information

Appropriate coursework in music, music education, theater, mass communication, business, or other, as advised. The program maintains an updated list of recommended courses in other programs and schools. Many Music Business students complete the certificate in entrepreneurship in the Trefz School of Business. Enrollment in at least one ensemble is normally required each semester of residence. Enrollment in applied music study is normally required each semester of residence. Director may determine that proficiency is established and may waive requirements.

Education Concentration

(An audition is recommended, but not re­quired, for this major).

The Music Education concentration within the Bachelor of Music degree is designed to provide foundational training and experiences for prospective music teachers, and prepare them to begin graduate studies leading to certification as a public school music educator. The Music Program and the University’s School of Education offer a master’s degree (M.S.) which leads to initial teaching certification in music. The B.M. in Music Education is designed to work in conjunction with this graduate program.

9 credits, drawn by advisement from the following:

Additional Information

Appropriate coursework in music, music education, theater, or psychology as advised. Enrollment in at least one ensemble is normally required each semester of residence, including experience in choral and instrumental ensembles. Enrollment in applied music study is normally required each semester of residence. Chair may determine that proficiency is established and waive requirements.Student must have 6 credits of APM courses on a different instrument than their primary instrument and Psych 103 and 201 is required as your general education Social Sciences credits.

Theater Concentration

(An audition is required for entrance into this major.)

The Music Performance concentration within the Bachelor of Music degree is designed to refine and develop skills essential to professional musicians. It allows students to deepen their skills as a solo and ensemble performer working in one or more genres. Extensive experience performing collaboratively in ensembles and as a soloist are central to this concentration. Students study a major instrument, including bass, bassoon, clarinet, drumset, flute, guitar, harpsichord, horn, oboe, percussion, piano, saxophone, sitar, tabla, trumpet, trombone, tuba, violin, viola, violoncello, or voice.

15 credits, drawn by advisement from the following:

Additional Information

Appropriate coursework in music, music education, or theater as advised. Enrollment in at least one ensemble is normally required each semester of residence. Enrollment in applied music study is normally required each semester of residence. Chair may determine that proficiency is established and may waive requirements.