Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fashion Merchandising, B.S.

Location(s): Main Campus


Bryant Hall 105
Telephone: (203) 576-4098

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science degree is required by an increasing number of organizations for eligibility to participate in their executive training programs. This curriculum is de­signed so that the student may declare a mi­nor (usually 18 semester hours) in suggested related studies such as mass communication or art & design.

All students must fulfill a supervised industry internship between Thanksgiving and Christ­mas of their sophomore fall semester. The retail organization in which they will intern is selected by the faculty of the Fashion Mer­chandising and Retailing Program. A student must have earned a 2.5 QPR to obtain junior status in the Program.

In addition to formal class work, the student is required to participate in a supervised in­dustry internship program with approved retail organizations that include many presti­gious New York City stores. Other important aspects of the program are: fashion show productions; resident buying office work­shops; field trips to the New York market, trade shows, museums, and manufacturers, at a nominal cost to student. On-campus seminars are led by accomplished individu­als drawn from the industry.

The degree will not be granted to students who receive less than “C” in Retailing 280. The degree will not be granted to students receiving more than one “D” in any Fashion Merchandising or Retailing course.

Learning Outcomes

Students 1) acquire the technical skills neces­sary for work in the fashion merchandising field; 2) acquire knowledge of fashion mer­chandising principles; 3) learn how to effec­tively communicate with others within and outside of their organization; and 4) develop real world knowledge and understanding of the current fashion world.


Student will be evaluated with a standard­ized exam related to fashion merchandising at the end of their undergraduate studies. Students will also be evaluated with projects in their final courses.

Study Abroad Semester

The Fashion Merchandising and Retailing Department is affiliated with several Study Abroad Programs. Students may attend the London College of Fashion, the University of Florence, Italy or programs offered through Global Learning Semesters. This off-campus semester enables B.S. degree students to participate in a couture study week in Paris plus retail experiences in other countries. Students who wish to participate in this af­filiated Study Abroad Program are advised to make application in their sophomore year for the Fall or Spring semester of their junior or senior year. Electives for the B.S. degree are satisfied by all study abroad program se­mester hours with approval of the Depart­ment. Students with prior internship experi­ence who participate in the Spring semester abroad may opt for a Summer co-op experi­ence in Europe.

Minor Option

Students enrolled in other majors at the Uni­versity of Bridgeport may declare a minor status if they complete a minimum of 18 se­mester hours in the following areas: 3 to 9 semester hours may be elected from the fol­lowing: Fashion Merchandising or Retailing 101, 107, 108, 201, 6 to 9 semester hours from the following: Retailing 102, 207; 3 semester hours from the following: Retailing 300, 303, or 313.

Transfer Students

The Fashion Merchandising and Retailing B.S. degree program easily accommodates transfer students. No courses below a “C” grade are transferable. Transfer Articulation Agreements are in effect with Dean College (MA), Bay Path College (MA), Nassau Com­munity College (NY), Dutchess (NY) and Westchester Community College, Middlesex Community College (CT), Fisher College (MA), Holyoke Community College (MA), Orange County Community College (NY), County College of Morris (NJ), and Lincoln College (CT).

Summary of Requirements - 123 Credit(s)

General Education Requirements - 48 Credit(s)

Required Cognate Courses - 18 Credit(s)

Suggested Program

Second Semester

Fourth Semester

Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

Seventh Semester

Eighth Semester

Program Options

Minor in Mass Communication - 18 Credit(s)

Minor in Marketing - 18 Credit(s)