Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Performing Arts, B.A.

Location(s): Main Campus


Bernhard Center
Telephone: (203) 576-4407

Curriculum and Program Requirements

The Music & Performing Arts Department of­fers the Bachelor of Arts degree in Perform­ing Arts with concentrations in Music and Theater. Bachelor of Arts candidates must complete the core curriculum and the appro­priate coursework in the major to graduate. The department chair may determine that proficiency is established and may waive requirements; however, 120 credits are re­quired to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Students study a combination of theater and music, and may wish to take relevant coursework drawn from our English and Mass Communi­cation programs, as well as the Trefz School of Business and other areas as appropriate. This liberal arts degree includes course­work in acting, technical theater, dramatic literature, movement, applied music (vocal or instrumental study, as appropriate), music theory and history, and relevant technologi­cal and entrepreneurial skills. Students must elect a concentration in theater or music. The program seeks to produce broadly educated graduates with substantial knowledge of, and skills in, one or more aspects of the perform­ing arts.

Music Concentration

The Music concentration within the Bachelor of Arts degree in Performing Arts is designed to allow interested students to engage in col­legiate music study in a liberal arts context, laying the foundation for graduate study or internships and entry-level jobs in the field.

Theater Concentration

The Theater concentration within the Bach­elor of Arts degree in Performing Arts is de­signed to allow interested students to study theater at the collegiate level in a liberal arts context, laying the foundation for graduate study or internships and entry-level jobs in the field.

Learning Outcomes

By completing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Performing Arts, Music concentration, stu­dents will:

  • Develop a foundation in the theory and history of music.
  • Further develop their skills as a singer or instrumentalist.
  • Possess sufficient musical acumen to make meaningful contributions to musi­cal performances and ensembles.
  • Gain an understanding of theater as an important part of human culture.
  • Cultivate flexibility, versatility, and entre­preneurship, as appropriate to personal and career goals.
  • Further their ability to work in, learn from, and teach groups composed of learners from diverse backgrounds and with mul­tiple skill levels.
  • Be able to connect musical knowledge with the learning occurring in other areas, including the general education compo­nent of the undergraduate curriculum.

By completing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Performing Arts, Theater concentration, students will:

  • Develop their theatrical skills, focusing on acting and/or technical theater.
  • Acquire or deepen their understanding of theater as an important part of human culture.
  • Participate meaningfully in at least one University mainstage theatrical produc­tion.
  • Cultivate flexibility, versatility, and entre­preneurship, as appropriate to personal and career goals.
  • Further their ability to work in, learn from, and teach groups composed of learners from diverse backgrounds and with mul­tiple skill levels.
  • Be able to connect theatrical knowledge with the learning occurring in other areas, including the general education compo­nent of the undergraduate curriculum.

Summary of Requirements

General Education Requirements

Major and Individual Concentration Requirements

Music Concentration - 44 Credit(s)

Theater Concentration - 44 Credit(s)