Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

Dean of Students: Craig Lennon
John J. Cox Student Center, Room 116
244 University Ave., Bridgeport, CT 06604
Telephone: (203) 576-4392 or 4393

The contribution of the Division of Student Affairs to the University of Bridgeport and its students arises out of the special perspective which members of the student affairs staff have about students and their growth and development, their experiences, and their campus environments. This perspective draws on research about teaching and learning, which emphasize the importance of community, diversity, and individual differences to the educational experience.

The Student Life program is administered through the Division of Student Affairs by the Dean of Students. It includes student involvement, community standards, counseling services, health services, housing and residential life, , student accessibility services, and orientation.

The Division of Student Affairs enhances and supports the mission, goals, and objectives of the University of Bridgeport as an international, culturally diverse supportive learning environment, preparing graduates for life and leadership in an increasingly interconnected world. In this role, the staff of the student affairs division has a diverse and complicated set of responsibilities: to advocate for the common good while championing the rights of the individual; to encourage intelligent risk-taking while setting limits on behavior; and to promote independent thought while teaching interdependent behavior.

The extent to which the University is successful in creating a climate in which these contradictory ends can coexist is reflected in how well students are able to recognize and deal with such contradictions both during and after their college experience. The Division of Student Affairs is committed to assisting students and the University of Bridgeport community as they seek to meet the challenges inherent in balancing these complex and often competing goals.

-Adopted from A Perspective on Student Affairs, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 1987.

Students are encouraged to take an active role in the life of the campus community, where there are many opportunities to contribute to group decisions, practice leadership, sort out priorities and make personal choices. Students at the University of Bridgeport are responsible for making their own decisions and forming their own judgments concerning personal, social and academic activities. They share the responsibility for maintaining the educational climate needed for learning and for personal growth. The University retains high expectations of appropriate behavior and expects that when students decide to enroll they will abide by all the rules of the University. When the University deems it necessary it reserves the right to notify the parent or guardian to whom a student is financially dependent regarding the health, academic or disciplinary status of the student. (Dependency is defined by Section 152 of the 1954 Internal Revenue Code).


Student Involvement

The Office of Student Involvement is dedicated to community success through challenging students to become engaged in student organization membership and participation, leadership development, and community service. Through active participation, students make a difference for the community by creating and executing diverse programs. The Office provides guidance and mentorship for all student clubs and organizations as well as offers friendly services and inviting facilities for the total learning experience.

Events and activities approved by the Office are designed to motivate, challenge, introduce and create opportunities for education - both inside and outside the classroom.

The Office of Student Involvement employs workers that support the transformation of campus culture through hands-on experiences in project management, workshop development, club training, project implementation, student advisement, event planning, budgeting, student supervision, and the development of leadership skills. The Office is located in the John J. Cox Student Center, Rm 231.

Civic Engagement

UB students are actively involved in making significant contributions to those in need in the greater Bridgeport community. Some of the programs UB students are involved in include tutoring local elementary and high school students, visiting the elderly, assisting at soup kitchens and food banks, sponsoring clothing and food drives and organizing fundraisers for local charities. Listings of community service opportunities can be found in the Heckman Center as well as on-line through Knightlife at

Clubs and Organizations

The University supports a wide range of student clubs, organizations and special interest groups that expand and cultivate the academic, professional and cultural interests of students. Each group develops, within broad University guidelines, its own policies and programs with the assistance of a faculty or staff advisor. A comprehensive list of active student clubs and organizations can be found on the UB website, as well as on-line through Knightlife at

Community Standards

Students at the University of Bridgeport are expected to respect the rights of others, exercise responsible judgment and follow high standards of personal conduct. Students are expected to involve themselves in activities that promote the welfare of the University and to behave with courtesy and restraint toward fellow students and University staff. The University fosters a multicultural, international environment and does not condone or tolerate discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, creed, political affiliation, or handicap. The University strives to create an atmosphere of mutual trust between individuals, promoting self-discipline, and community standards.

At the same time, the University maintains concern about the behavior of its students both on and off campus. In the maintenance of its academic, social and health standards, the University reserves the right to be the sole determiner as to whether a student should be removed from residence life, receive fines or sanctions, be suspended or expelled, granted a leave of absence or dismissed. A student suspended or expelled from the University is responsible for the full payment of his/her financial charges for the semester. Students are expected to conform to all governing regulations of the University as outlined in the Key to UB (Student Handbook), the Catalog and all official notifications of policy. A student will be subject to University disciplinary procedures if on or off-campus behavior results in violations of these regulations, civil and/or criminal law.

Disciplinary action, notification of charges, disciplinary procedures, appeals and a review of actions that may lead to disciplinary procedures are identified and described in the Key to UB. It is the responsibility of the student to become familiar with all University and Residence Hall codes, regulations and policies, which are all available on-line on the University’s website and portal.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services offers psychological treatment opportunities to all undergraduate and graduate students. Services include short-term individual counseling, group counseling, psychiatric service, outreach programs, crisis intervention, mental health screenings, and referral services. Counseling Services also offers consultations to faculty and staff that need assistance with students in distress. All services are designed to promote personal growth and emotional well-being, while enhancing students’ ability to benefit from the University environment and academic experience. The Counseling Services staff is committed to being responsive and sensitive to the needs of a highly diverse student population. We are particularly aware of the cultural issues facing international students and offer supportive counseling to address their needs.

For more information call (203) 576-4454, email: or visit us on the web at: The office is located in Carstensen Hall on the second floor.

Student Accessibility Services

The University of Bridgeport is committed to providing services to qualified students with disabilities so that they receive an equal educational opportunity. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the American with Disabilities Act and Connecticut State Laws, we provide reasonable accommodations to reduce the Impact of disabilities on academic functioning or upon other life activities in a University setting.

All accommodations are determined on an individual basis. If a student with a documented disability would like to register for accommodations, they are encouraged to initiate the request upon enrollment and at the beginning of each semester for which they are requesting services. It is strongly recommended that students complete the registration process before the second week of classes to facilitate the timely implementation of reasonable accommodations.

For further information call (203) 576-4454, email: or visit us on the web at:


Although opportunities for social activities occur everywhere on campus, the following facilities are used for student-related social, recreational, and organizational activities.

John J. Cox Student Center provides many facilities for student life activity. The Social Room, meeting rooms, Knights lounge, Knight’s End café, billiards room are all part of the Student Center. Offices for campus organizations such as the Student Government Association, Student Programming Board and other student organizations, are housed in this facility. The Student Center is also home to several offices of the Division of Student Affairs. Programming in the Student Center ranges from dance parties, concerts, semi-formals and special dinners to movies, lectures and fashion shows.

Carstensen Hall houses the offices of Counseling Services and Student Accessibility Services Adjacent to the Student Center, it provides a quiet, warm atmosphere in which individuals can reflect every day.

Family Outreach

We believe the more informed you are about the University of Bridgeport, the better re­source you can be for your student. Thank you for all that you do to support your stu­dent and assist us as we focus on our mis­sion of student success at UB.

International Center for Students and Scholars

Center for Students and Scholars strives to ensure institutional compliance with federal regulations and to assist international students, their dependents, and prospective students with immigration matters and adjustment to life in the United States. We strive to facilitate an environment where students can develop a clear understanding of their immigration status requirements that will support the pursuance of their degree programs.

We provide information on a wide range of topics including maintaining status, travel, employment eligibility, financial questions, social and cultural differences, and personal concerns. We endeavor to minimize the difficulties our international students and exchange visitors may experience upon arrival by offering a monthly Coffee Hour and by giving necessary information throughout the year. We also provide professional expertise on immigration, employment, and taxation issues by holding seminars and workshops.

Upon arrival on Campus, all new international students and scholars report to this office for passport check-in. A mandatory immigration and personal safety information session is also required for all international students. Please visit the Center for Students and Scholars website at for more detailed information, applications and general assistance. Individual appointments with an International Student Advisor are available by calling the office at (203) 576- 4395. We may also be reached by e-mail at The office is located in the Wahlstrom Library, Garden Level, Room 133.


The residence halls, as well as the staff of the Division of Student Affairs, publish infor­mational newsletters and the Purple Knight Weekly student activity e-newsletter as well as maintain a presence on various social me­dia platforms.


New student orientation programs are designed to introduce students to the University of Bridgeport community. The orientation program begins with summer orientation and continues a few days prior to the start of classes. This gives incoming students the opportunity to get settled in their new environment and to become familiar with their academic program. Formal and informal social and informational sessions provide students with the opportunity not only to learn about the University’s policies, but to meet and socialize with other students. All new students are expected to attend.

Residential Life

The University recognizes the important contribution that life in the residence halls can makes in a student’s total educational experience. Each hall is staffed by a live-in professional staff member and trained student staff Resident Assistants on each floor. Their efforts are coordinated through the Office of Housing and Residential Life. Residence Hall staff have the responsibility of enforcing University policies, procedures and regulations as they relate to residential living as well as promoting, with the active cooperation of residents, an environment that supports academic achievement. The office is located in the back of Seeley Hall.

Living on Campus

The University offers a variety of housing options. Students have the choice of a single, double, double-as-single, triple or triple-as double room, each with a different price structure. Room preference assignment are subject to availability with some restrictions. Efforts are made to match new roommates by preferences stated in their housing contract. Students may seek a change in roommates after the second week of classes but before October 1 (fall semester) or March 1 (spring semester). The University is not responsible for theft or damage to personal property, students are advised to obtain renter’s insurance, or ensure coverage under their parents’ homeowner’s policy. Please see Key to UB for additional information.

Residence and Meal Plan Requirements

All students who are full-time undergraduates are required to live in University residence halls unless they meet one or more of the following criteria:

1. Those who have attained the age of 21 by the first day of classes.

2. Those who have accumulated 90 academic credits (including transfer credits) by the first day of classes.

3. Those who are living at home with parents, a spouse or other immediate relatives within a 30 mile driving distance of the University.

Exceptions to this policy must be requested from the Office of Housing and Residential Life in writing and approved by the Director of Residential Housing and Residential Life or his/her designee by the first day of classes.

Winter and summer housing is available on a limited basis and under separate contract. Additional requirements may apply.

The Residence Hall and Meal contracts, once signed by the student, are binding for the academic year (not the semester). Please see Key to UB for additional information.

Student Employment

Student Employment assists with processes such as Student Worker Authorization, Federal Work Study Opportunities, Non-Federal Work Study, processing of Graduate Assistantships, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Employment Verifications and is an opportunity for students at the University of Bridgeport to learn about the work environment while obtaining a degree. Student Employment is located on the ground floor of Wahlstrom Library. For information please contact us at: or 203-576-4471.

Student Health Services

The mission of University of Bridgeport Student Health Services is to promote the well-being of students. We provide high quality, culturally competent, Student Health Care for the treatment of acute illness and injuries. In addition, health education programs are offered to the campus community.

Student Health Services does not seek to replace family physician care but rather to supplement that care during years when the student is attending the University, often at some distance from home. Student Health Services’ emphasis is geared towards wellness. We offer health education, preventive health screenings, health promotion programs and immunizations. Students’ individual needs are attended to in a confidential and caring manner. All information and records pertaining to any aspect of a student’s health are strictly, confidential. Student Health Services is located at 60 Lafayette Street, Room 119.

Student Health Services Requirements

Students registering at the University of Bridgeport are required to provide proof of immunization listed below prior to registration. Health Requirements and Health Forms can be found on Students going into Clinical Health Sciences or the Nursing Program have special health requirements.

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Immunizations

Connecticut Public Act No. 89-90 requires all students born after December 31, 1956 to provide proof of immunization against mea­sles, mumps, and rubella. You are required to provide proof of two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella immunizations.

  1. First dose on or after 12 months of age and given in or after 1969.
  2. Second dose given on or after January 1, 1980.
  3. Laboratory evidence (blood test) of immunity is acceptable in lieu of administration of vaccines but you must provide proof of immunity with a Laboratory report.

Varicella (Chickenpox) Immunizations

  1. Two vaccines (12 weeks apart if vaccinated between 1 and 12 years and at least 4 weeks apart if vaccinated at age 13 years).
  2. Laboratory evidence (Blood Test) of immunity is acceptable in lieu of administered vaccine, but you must provide proof of immunity with the laboratory report.
  3. A documented history of having had the disease by a medical doctor or public health department is accepted documentation.
  4. Students born in the United States before 1980 are exempt.

Meningitis Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135)

Students who will be residing in on-campus housing will also be required to provide proof of meningitis vaccine administered (A, C, Y, and W-135) within the past 5 years.

Tuberculosis Testing

A tuberculosis risk assessment and if necessary a Tuberculosis test IGRA or chest X-ray is required within six months prior to admission to the University. History of prophylactic treatment if indicated is also required. Tuberculosis testing is not required for online students, through it is highly recommended by Student Health Services. The Tuberculosis Risk Assessment and associated information can be found on

Hepatitis B Vaccine

College students are at an increased risk of developing a Hepatitis B infection. All stu­dents are strongly encouraged to be vac­cinated for Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B vaccine information from the Center for Disease Con­trol can be found on

Student Health Insurance

The University of Bridgeport Health Insurance Policy is mandatory for full-time undergraduates, international students, Physician Assistant students, and all residential students.

Students are automatically enrolled in the health insurance plan provided by the University and are billed on their student account. If a domestic student can show proof of comparable private health insurance, the University insurance may be waived by submitting a waiver form by the designated due date. For more information, visit

All students taking classes on campus or living on campus are enrolled in the Injury plan at registration and this may not be waived.

All international students are required to participate and are automatically enrolled in both the student insurance plan at registration and charges are added their account. Coverage for international students cannot be waived. Part-time Domestic Graduate Students taking at least 6 credit hours and Part-Time Undergraduate students taking at least 7 credits who are not living on campus may participate in the Sickness plans on a voluntary basis.

Title IX Coordinator

The University of Bridgeport is committed to preventing and eliminating all forms of gender-based discrimination in its education programs and activities, in accordance with its commitment to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Gender-based discrimination includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and any act in violation of the University’s sexual misconduct policies. The Title IX Coordinator ensures prompt and effective response to complaint; provides education and awareness programming; and serves as a resource for individuals seeking on-and-off campus advocacy and support services. The Title IX Coordinator may be contacted at Title IX@