2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Elementary Education, M.S.
Carlson Hall
Telephone: (203) 576-4764
This degree program provides advanced study in content and content pedagogy for persons interested in careers in education, and/or certification in the State of Connecticut to teach on the elementary, or secondary levels.
Intern Program
Carlson Hall
Telephone: (203) 576-4219
The Graduate School of Education provides an internship option for the following students: (1) those seeking a Master’s degree or 6th Year Certificate of Advanced Studies and teacher certification; (2) those already certified and seeking a Master’s degree or Sixth Year Certificate of Advanced Studies, or (3) those seeking a Master’s degree only for work in nonpublic American schools, schools in another country, or in other educational settings. This internship is designed to integrate field experience with graduate course work. During the internship students earn thirty-three tuition remission credits.
Master’s Degree Program
Master of Science in Elementary and Secondary Education
(Connecticut Teacher Certification)
This program provides educators with the opportunities for in-depth study of subject content, techniques and materials appropriate to contemporary classrooms within a structured framework of field concentration and professional development. Emphasis is placed on selected areas of concentration in content and content pedagogy and professional course work for the development of individual clinical competencies.
Individuals seeking Connecticut certification must take courses required for their license in a Master’s Planned Program of Study. This program consists of foundation courses, subject content courses, professional courses, field experiences, and residency teaching.
The following certification tracks are available: Elementary content area courses; Secondary and Middle Level Academic Subjects: Biology, Physics, General Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, Mathematics, History and Social Studies, Business Education, and Music (K-12).
Teacher Preparation Programs
Candidates who seek certification to teach in Connecticut must follow a Planned Program of Study that results in a Master’s Degree and a recommendation by the State Certification Officer at the University for an Initial Educator Certificate in the State of Connecticut.
Admissions into the Master’s Degree (Certification Track Programs)
Students seeking certification must apply to the program of their choice and must meet the following requirements PRIOR to admission into a Certification Track Program in Elementary, Secondary Academic Subjects, or Music:
- A Bachelor’s Degree in a subject area major (not professional education) from a regionally accredited institution with thirty-nine credits in general education, including course work in English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Studies, and World Language or Fine Arts (Grades below a C are NOT accepted for this category).
- Undergraduate GPA of at least a B-. (B Minus)
- A well-written essay, at least 350 words, describing the candidate’s reasons for enrolling in the program and experience relevant to teaching and demonstrating the appropriate dispositions for becoming a teacher.
- One letter of recommendation from a person able to testify to the candidate’s suitability as a prospective teacher and potential for graduate-level work.
Candidates seeking admission to the certification-track programs are expected to possess basic technology proficiencies, such as word processing, sending and receiving email messages, using the Internet, and the University’s web based platforms.
All candidates for Connecticut State Certification must meet the following additional requirements prior to recommendation for certification:
- Completion of all required Planned Program course work
- Completion of all General Education (undergraduate requirements)
- PRAXIS II examinations, as well as any additional - state mandated assessments for specific certification areas
- Demonstration of all state-required program competencies
- Demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching in the program area, including successful completion of all performance assessments specific to the certification program.
Program Goals
The Teacher Preparation Program Goals coincide with the six domain goals of the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching and the national States’ Common Core of Teaching. The Teacher Preparation program at the University of Bridgeport seeks to develop teachers who can accomplish all of the following:
- Understand and apply essential skills, central concepts, and tools of inquiry in their subject matter or field;
- Promote student engagement, independence, and interdependence in learning by facilitating a positive learning community;
- Plan and Implement instruction in order to engage students in rigorous and relevant learning and to promote their curiosity;
- Use multiple measures to analyze student performance and to inform subsequent planning and instruction;
- Maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership.
Learning Outcomes
Candidates will be prepared to:
Plan lessons and units according to State and National standards.
Exhibit appropriate content knowledge of mathematics, reading and language arts, social studies and science evidenced by a passing score on the Praxis II Examination for elementary school education (grades 1 - 6).
Demonstrate foundational and developmental understanding of literacy as evidenced by a passing score on the Connecticut Foundations of Reading Assessment (CT 190).
Utilize high leverage teaching practices in planning for, instructing, and assessing students from diverse backgrounds as evidenced by successful completion of the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA)
Differentiate instruction and assessment for students with learning differences.
Elementary Education, 1-6, Certification Track Program
Planned Program of Study - 33 Credit(s)
Master of Science degree is a minimum of 33 credits. (not including 6 credits for student teaching) Pre-Professional Requirements Coursework
Foundations of Education - 9 Credit(s)
(required) Professional Educational Requirements Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Methods And Materials - 6 Credit(s)
(required) (TWO OF THE FOLLOWING) Literacy - 9 Credit(s)
(required) Statutory Requirements Required
(required) Field Experience/Residence Teaching - 4 Credit(s)
plus Supervised Residency Teaching Additional Graduate Courses and Electives
Additional Graduate Coursework Required, it noted. Final Degree Requirement
(Choose one; certification-track students must take PRAXIS II and Connecticut Foundations of Reading Test.) Examinations
(required for certification) - PRAXIS II, Foundations of Reading Exam
- Connecticut Foundations of Reading Test
Other Requirements for State of Connecticut Certification
Additional Coursework for Certification (required if noted) Music Education, K-12, Certification Track
Planned Program of Study - 33 Credit(s)
Master of Science degree is a minimum of 33 credits (not including 6 credits of student teaching) Foundations of Education Requirements Coursework
Human Growth and Development - 3 Credit(s)
(required) *These course requirements may be met by taking an appropriate undergraduate course with a grade of at least a “B,” taken within the past five years. Professional Education Requirements
Content Area Core - 9 Credit(s)
(required) Content Area Specialization - 8 Credit(s)
Field Experience/Student Teaching - 4 Credit(s)
plus Student Teaching Additional Program Requirements Statutory Requirements - 1 Credit(s)
(required) Content Literacy - 3 Credit(s)
(required) Final Degree Requirement Examinations
(required for certification) Other Requirements for State of Connecticut Certification
Survey Course of United States History - 3 Credit(s)
(required) Additional Coursework for Certification or Endorsement (required if noted) Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts
This 33 credit Master of Science degree course of study program at either the Elementary or Secondary level provides extensive course work and experiences in working with students in the field of literacy and language arts, leading to the initial educator certification in Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts. An individual with an appropriate regionally accredited Bachelor’s degree may apply for this program. Although the program focuses on literacy for grades 1-12, the candidates elect either an Elementary degree focus or a Secondary degree focus through their field experiences and research. This concentration focuses on working with students in a variety of instructional settings for the purpose of teaching literacy processes, for evaluating students in reading and language arts, and for developing and evaluating literacy programs. Students learn to create appropriate literacy instruction for learners experiencing difficulty in reading and language arts. Upon completion of the coursework, field experiences, and appropriate performance assessments, students may apply for the Connecticut initial educator certificate in Remedial Reading/Remedial Language Arts, 1-12. Program Goals The program goals in literacy are adapted from the international Reading Association Standards for reading Professionals - Revised 2010. The goals in Literacy for the Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts Program are as follows: Reading professionals understand the theoretical and evidence-based foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. Reading professionals use instructional approaches, materials, and an integrated, comprehensive, balanced curriculum to support learning in reading and writing. Reading professionals us a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading and writing instruction. Reading professionals create and engage their students in literacy practices that develop awareness, understanding, respect, and a valuing of differences in our society. Reading professionals create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments. Reading professionals recognize the importance of, demonstrate, and facilitate professional learning and leadership as a careerlong effort and responsibility. Admissions Criteria A valid Connecticut teaching certificate (or proof of eligibility); An appropriate regionally accredited Bachelor’s degree; At least two letters of recommendation from persons able to testify to your suitability as a prospective teacher and your potential for graduate-level work; An essay demonstrating a command of the English language and setting out the reasons for wanting to enroll in the program and emphasizing experience relevant to teaching; A successful team interview with faculty; Completion of at least 30 school months of successful classroom teaching experience. Connecticut’s essential skills testing requirements: passing scores in the PRAXIS I exams in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics or an official essential skills test waiver currently meeting this requirement. Planned Program of Study - 33 Credit(s)
Prerequisite Requirements
Foundations of Education 3 Credit(s) Educational Psychology 3 Credit(s) Children’s or Adolescent Literature 3 Credit(s) Special Education 3 Credit(s) Professional Education Requirements
Reading and Language Arts - 8 Credit(s)
(required) Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading and Language Arts Difficulties - 3 Credit(s)
(required) Tests and Measurements - 3 Credit(s)
(required) Clinical Practices in Reading
And Language Arts - 7 Credit(s)
(required) Additional Program Requirements
Second Language Learning and Acquisition - 1 Credit(s)
(required) Additional Graduate Coursework
(required if noted) Final Degree Requirement
(Choose one of the following:) Additional Coursework for Certification
(required if Noted) Additional Information
Students need to complete all requirements on their Planned Programs of Study and pass all performance assessments. Professional Educator Development
NOTE: THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS OR INTERNAL TRANSFERS Carlson Hall Telephone: (203) 576-4028 Fax: (203-576-4200 This degree program provides advanced study for certified teachers and for persons interested in careers related to school-age students. Professional Educator Development This program is designed for students who are certified teachers or who wish to pursue a Master’s degree in Elementary or Secondary Education (33 credits); or 6th year (30 credits) Certificate of Advanced Studies in Elementary or Secondary Education. Program Requirements
The Professional Educator Development Program combines a basic core with selected courses. Core Courses - 12 Credit(s)
In the Research and Report Writing course (3 credits), students analyze their own school experiences and determine competencies they wish to achieve. In the Differentiated Instruction course (3 credits), methods for addressing the needs of students’ diverse strengths, background, experiences, gender, linguistic, and learning styles will be presented. In the Teacher Leadership course (3 credits), methods to maximize students’ learning potential, and provide students with quality learning experiences, alignment of standards, lessons and assessments. In the final core requirement, Contemporary Problems in Education (3 credits) students demonstrate those competencies in a clinical and a research setting. - Research and Report Writing course 3 Credit(s)
- Differentiated Instruction course 3 Credit(s)
- Teacher Leadership course 3 Credit(s)
- Contemporary Problems in Education 3 Credit(s)
Elective Course Topics
Courses are offered in the following topics for a total of 30 or 33 credits, with several courses available under each topic. For courses offered each semester, consult the course schedule. On ground, online and hybrid formats available. Depending on availability and course scheduling, candidates may choose from among the following (courses vary between one and three credits): - EDUC 450 - Field Experience 2 Credit(s)
- EDUC 515 - Clinical Experience-Internship Program 4 Credit(s)
- EDMM 606 - No room for Bullying
- EDMM 609 - Small Group Instruction
- EDMM 610 - Technology Integration
- EDMM 617 - Development and Design of Blended Learning Instructional Modules
- EDMM 618 - Technology Literacy
- EDMM 619 - Web Quest in Interactive Classroom
- EDMM 620 - Applications of English Grammar
- EDMM 623 - Interactive Reading/Balanced Literacy
- EDMM 624 - Literacy Lessons - CMT
- EDMM 626 - Principles of Early Childhood Education
- EDMM 627 - Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms
- EDMM 628 - Family and Community Partnerships
- EDMM 632 - Dynamics of Classroom Environment
- EDMM 633 - Critically Reflecting on Practice
- EDMM 634 - Conflict Resolution
- EDMM 641 - Identifying & Teaching Academically Gifted
- EDMM 642 - Differentiated Instruction
- EDMM 643 - The Art of Teaching Boys & Girls Differently
- EDMM 644 - Character Education
- EDMM 645 - Student Centered Instruction
- EDMM 646 - Reaching Difficult Students
- EDMM 654 - Mastering the Interview Process
- EDMM 655 - Positive Student/Teacher Relationships
- EDMM 669 - Mysteries of the U.S - Historical
- EDMM 670 - Instructing with Modern Media
- EDMM 671 - Using Historical Fiction
- EDMM 672 - Urban Education
- EDMM 679 - Using STEM in the Classroom
- EDMM 687 - Inquiry Learning Across Disciplines
- EDMM 688 - Curriculum Writing and Revision
- EDMM 692 - Teacher Leadership
- EDMM 693 - School Law
- EDMM 694 - A Practical Guide to CCT
- EDMM 699 - Testing & Assessment Strategies in Education
Early Childhood Education Concentration
NOTE: THIS PROGRAM IS NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS OR INTERNAL TRANSFERS Designed for Flexibility - Online, On-Campus, or Hybrid/Blended The M.S. degree with a concentration in Early Childhood Education is designed to promote quality early childhood education for all young children, birth through age twelve, and to improve professional practice in the early childhood community. This non-certification concentration offers coursework in various formats: online, on campus or hybrid/ blended courses. Our planned program supports a comprehensive understanding of the diverse cognitive, cultural, developmental, and linguistic needs of the early childhood learner. Graduates will be able to work effectively with multicultural populations of young children in a variety of settings and provide instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learning styles. In addition, our graduates are trained to use developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education to create healthy, respectful, nurturing, and challenging learning environments for all young children in their cultural contexts. Summary of Requirements - 33 Credit(s)
Program Requirements - 12 Credit(s)
- EDMM 626 - Principles of Early Childhood Education (ECE) 3 Credit(s) online
- EDMM 657 - Developmentally Appropriate ECE Classroom Environments 3 Credit(s) online
- EDMM 628 - Family and Community Partnerships within ECE 3 Credit(s) online
- EDUC 560 - Human Growth and Development 3 Credit(s)
Additional Information
The remaining 21 credits will be individually selected with the assistance of the student’s advisor. Waterbury Center
84 Progress Lane Waterbury, CT 06705 Tel: (203) 573-8501 Fax: (203) 573-8576 E-mail: ubwaterbury@bridgeport.edu Website: www.bridgeport.edu/about/locations/waterbury-center The University of Bridgeport’s Waterbury Campus is conveniently located off Interstate 84 from exit 25A on the Waterbury/Cheshire border and offers undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate programs. The facility includes wireless technology-enhanced classrooms, SmartBoard Technology, networked computer lab, faculty and administrative offices, student resource room and free, convenient parking. Programs of Study at the Waterbury Center
Graduate: - M.S. in Education (part-time: Evening and Weekends)
- M.S. in Education Intern Program
- Sixth Year Education Program (General, Reading, and Administration)