Feb 06, 2025  
2024 2025 Academic Catalog 
2024 2025 Academic Catalog

Course of Instruction

Courses numbered 100-199 are intended pri­marily for freshmen; courses numbered 200- 299, for sophomores; and courses 300-399, for juniors and seniors. Student experience may suggest exceptions are warranted. In those instances, students should consult with their advisors. Deans have authority to ap­prove exceptions.

Some advanced courses are not taught every year but are scheduled in cycles. The Univer­sity reserves the right to limit the number of students registered in any course and to can­cel any course for which there is insufficient enrollment.

Courses numbered: 400-499

—Open to graduate students and to qualified undergraduates. [I.E. These are Graduate Classes that are open to qualified undergrad­uates with departmental permission]

Courses numbered: 500 and above

—Open to graduate students only

Student experience may suggest exceptions are warranted. In those instances, students should consult with their advisors. Deans have authority to approve exceptions.

Some graduate courses are offered every year, but many are scheduled over a two-year or three-year cycle. It is, therefore, essential that graduate students should carefully plan en­tire programs with their graduate advisors so that they will be able to register for all re­quired courses over the time span in which they expect to complete the degree. The Uni­versity reserves the right to limit the number of students registered in any graduate course, and also the right to cancel any course for which there is insufficient enrollment.




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